As Ye Knit . . .

So, after all that wonderful stuff about zen-like detachment that I wrote in my last post, let’s see how I’m doing.

Regular readers will recognize this as the inside of the Samus sweater that I’m knitting for my friend Suzanne. In the earlier post, I wrote about how I like to knit patterns that teach me new skills, and that for this one I learned how to sew in grosgrain ribbon. Well, silly me, when I “lightly steam-blocked the edges” I blocked them out to different lengths. The zipper, when I pinned it to the ribbon, rose an entire half-inch above the collar on the left side. Ordinarily, this problem is easily solved by re-blocking the shorter side, but alas, grosgrain ribbon does not stretch.

The title of this post is the first half of the message that appears on a sign in one of my local yarn shops. I think about this sign all the time, and I try to adopt it as my personal knitting mantra. Even so, it’s taken me about three weeks to get up the nerve to whip out my seam ripper.

The second half of the message on that sign? ” . . . so shall ye rip.”


  • Daniel says:

    I’ve been there before. You’ll be much happier in the end, though it is hard to bring myself to do it. My personal mantra is “Seed stitch is fun.”

  • Marita says:

    Bummer! I find ripping out sewing way more frustrating then ripping out knitting. With knitting I yet at it for a few minutes, put it down for a week if it’s really bothering me, and then fix it. With sewing I have definately thrown things out in a fit of pique.

  • Sandy says:

    Your friends are so blessed to get these beautiful expressions of love! Have a great day, yarn boy!

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