Going . . . Going . . .

First, the good news.

My search for representation for my first novel ended last week, when I received the phone call of which all unpublished novelists dream. I signed the contract this week, and I officially have an agent.

There’s always been a certain amount of tension between my writing and my knitting. Most of the time, this tension takes the form of wanting to pick up my needles when faced with a blank page that I can’t seem to fill. Ever since launching Yarn Boy, that tension has taken on other, more complicated dimensions. I’ve had three designs published on Knitty, but I’ve turned down other pattern publication opportunities (and an invitation to appear on DIY: Knitty Gritty) because they were poised to conflict with my writing habit. And I’ve occasionally used the “I need to post to my blog” excuse as a diversionary tactic to avoid doing necessary revisions on my manuscript. Now that there are people who are interested in my writing——other than family and friends——that tension is pretty much resolved.

Which brings us to the bad news.

I’m not going to deep-six Yarn Boy, but I am going to let it sit for a while. Blogging has a cyclical nature, and for now, this blog is going on the wane. This site is tons of fun, and I’ll probably be back eventually . . . but if everything goes the way I want it to, the next place you’ll find my work is at your local bookstore.

Happy knitting, everyone!


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