The End of Vacation, the Beginning of PT

Z and I just got back from a week-long trip up the Oregon coast, with many detours. One of these detours included a visit to the Cape Blanco Lighthouse, which features a first-order Fresnel lens. I know that has nothing to do with knitting at all, but Fresnel lenses are really beautiful.

Composed of interlocking steel-framed plates of molded glass (and weighing nearly a ton), the Fresnel lens is designed to refract the maximum amount of light in a horizontal direction. Before the development of the Fresnel lens, the average lighthouse beacon was visible from three miles out; after Fresnel, that distance increased to twenty-one miles. I was particularly enamored by this lens, as my reading material for this trip was Ahab’s Wife by Sena Jeter Naslund.

We also spent some time in Portland, where I got this fabulous shirt:

I bought this shirt at redbird studio, which is located at 2927 NE Alberta in Portland. It’s a wonderful store where all of the cards, shirts, and other stuff are designed and created by the people who work there. I would have bought every card on the rack if I could have. They all managed to toe the line of sentimentality without actually stepping over it, which is really hard to do (and regular readers know how I feel about “cute”). If you find yourself in Portland, or already happen to live there, please visit this store . . . and don’t ever buy another Hallmark card again.

The other item you see in that picture is a big black rubber band, which I am using to exercise my shoulder. I’ve finally started physical therapy for my knitting injury, and it’s definitely working. I would have started a lot sooner, if it weren’t for this little ditty:

Some poor woman is wondering why her insurance company has approved her for four physical therapy sessions for a repetitive-strain injury. As for me, I’m not sure whether to be relieved that my mysterious pap smear came back negative, to be concerned that my physican is under the impression that I have a cervix, or to be impressed that she was able to perform a pap smear without me being aware of it. I know a few women who wouldn’t mind that kind of pap smear.

And speaking of gender trouble, thanks to everyone who commented on my last post. You all had really interesting and insightful things to say. I’ll be doing a follow-up post soon!


  • sarkasmo says:

    HA! It’s slightly worrisome that your pap smear came back normal, but hey…it IS good news.

  • Mary says:

    Hey, can you go do my endometrial biopsy next week?:-)
    I’m glad you and Z had a great vacation. Keep up the good work with the PT. You’ll be knitting sooner than I will. I still have another surgery and at least 6 more weeks of PT before I can comfortably knit again.

  • Larjmarj says:

    I just finished two months of physical therapy for a non knitting related injury that certainly cramped my knitting style. I have found that proper postioning and body mechanics goes a long way for getting relief and ice, ice, ice. Good luck with your therapy. Glad to hear it’s helping. P.S. stay away from OB Gyns…;-)

  • Miss Bliss says:

    My goodness…I’m relieved to know that your cervix is all good, now if we just knew where it was! Happy to hear you had a good vacation and I LOVE THAT SHIRT!!

    Luck with the PT.

  • wenders says:

    I just finished Ahab’s Wife last night – thought that it was a bit long unnecessarily, but loved the parts with the lighthouse and sailing… Thanks for the picture of the lens! 🙂

    And congrats on the pap smear, good luck with the PT.

  • Martha says:

    Fresnel Lenses rule. I read Ahab’s Wife and then went on two sailing trips: one focused on whaling and the other on lighthouses. It was perfect.

    Just be glad the doc didn’t order a colposcopy for you!

  • Rose says:

    Wow, Jesse. I’m so glad your pap smear is normal. We were worried for a second. Phew!

  • Jordan says:

    You have no idea how fun it was for me to read this entry. Knitting is my hobby, but theater is my life (and what I’m studying in university). Specifically design (of the scenic, costume, and lighting sorts) and the Fresnel Lenses (and the instruments named after them) have a special place in my heart (even if the pronunciation is so different from the spelling)

  • LOve the shirt

    as for the pap smear test mmmm interesting

  • Sean Dilley says:

    It is indeed a great shirt, and it looks good on you.

    I hope the recovery from the knitting injury progresses well. I’m trying to shake a case of tendonitis in my left wrist, which knitting seems to aggravate. I’m not willing to blame knitting for the tendonitis–I think weight lifting is the culprit–but knitting sure doesn’t make it feel better. Maybe I should get a pap smear to see what’s wrong with it. 🙂


  • Che L says:

    I love love love this post! And your shirt is great!

    PS The mother in law loves your enterlac scarf pattern!

  • @nne says:

    Superbe “shirt” en effet ! 😀
    Et superbe blog… merci !

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