Monthly Archives: March 2006

The Knitter’s Guide to Mass-Transit Delays

With the increased popularity of knitting among urban residents, the sight of a knitter on a public bus, subway, or commuter train is a now a common occurrence. Knitters are uniquely prepared to deal with the headaches that come with commuting by means of public transportation, as they regularly practice an activity that is both […]

Announcing . . .

Announcement #1: A few people have asked me if Z, my spouse, has a blog. The answer is yes. Announcement #2: Someone suggested setting up a gallery for photographs of Danica scarves, and I think this is a fabulous idea. If you’ve knit a Danica scarf, drop me a line. I’ll write back to you […]

As Ye Knit . . .

So, after all that wonderful stuff about zen-like detachment that I wrote in my last post, let’s see how I’m doing. Regular readers will recognize this as the inside of the Samus sweater that I’m knitting for my friend Suzanne. In the earlier post, I wrote about how I like to knit patterns that teach […]

Throwing My Yarn, Part 2

I found this while I was cleaning out one of my closets. It was inside a folder, in the bottom of a gigantic nylon knitting bag. There were many other sheets just like it, some of them far less readable. They belonged to my grandmother, who died in January of 2002. She was ecstatic when […]